Sunday, 29 January 2012

Customising Liferay's My account portlet

It was needed to allow user change their profile by accessing some user page with My account portlet.
    Because of My account portlet is system one you can't add it to pages simply, but by overriding some properties under ext-plugin you will be able to put it on the page.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Changing Liferay Journal's(Web content's) abstract text area to richtext editor.

             Sometimes it is needed to use some html tags for liferay web content's abstracts, but this field is simple text area and it is not user friendly to put tags by hands. So, I decided to change abstract textarea to richtext editorm I will use Hook-plugin for this.
Here you can find how to use rich text editor, so I tried to implement this solution.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Getting started with Liferay.

There are a lot of info over the Internet related starting with Liferay.
Here I'll just summarize info that was helpfull for me.
  1. To start working with liferay you shoul install it, here you can find quick installation guide.
  2. To make life easier it is better to extend Liferay and develop new portlets under Liferay IDE, here you can find installation guide for it.
  3. Development guide for version 6.0, pay attention to, ext-plugin, hooks, portlets and themes.
  4. Liferay Wiki 
  5. Introduction to Java portlet specification.
