In this post I'm going to describe how I developed custom registration portlet.
It was needed to create custom portlet for registering new users. User should fill some wizard-like for and fill some additional fileds which was not present at basic Liferay user's table.
For development of wizard-like form I used Spring MVC portlet, some initial steps and examples you can fin in my previous post. For storing additional fileds I had two alternative ways:
In my spring portlet I created some UserDTO bean to store data from user inputs and after user submits form I used this bean to store it data to Liferay's user table and to userExt table which was generated by ServiceBuilder.
To store Liferay's user you can check next code:
In case if you want to add some addresses or phone to newly added user you can use next approach:
After that new user will be added to general liferay's table and to UserExt table.
In this post I'm going to describe how I developed custom registration portlet.
It was needed to create custom portlet for registering new users. User should fill some wizard-like for and fill some additional fileds which was not present at basic Liferay user's table.
For development of wizard-like form I used Spring MVC portlet, some initial steps and examples you can fin in my previous post. For storing additional fileds I had two alternative ways:
- To expando table mechanism, it allows to store additional filed in this way:
- Build own User extension table by using ServiceBuilder.
com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceUtil.getUser(userId).getExpandoBridge().setAttribute(userId, attrValue);AttrName can be added into ControlPanel: or progrmatically:
In my spring portlet I created some UserDTO bean to store data from user inputs and after user submits form I used this bean to store it data to Liferay's user table and to userExt table which was generated by ServiceBuilder.
To store Liferay's user you can check next code:
private User addUser(final ActionRequest request, final UserData userData) throws PortalException, SystemException { ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY); long creatorUserId = themeDisplay.getUserId(); // default liferay user long companyId = themeDisplay.getCompanyId(); // default company boolean autoPassword = true; String password1 = ""; String password2 = ""; boolean autoScreenName = true; String screenName = ""; String emailAddress = userData.getEmail(); long facebookId = 0; String openId = ""; Locale locale = themeDisplay.getLocale(); String firstName = userData.getName(); String middleName = ""; String lastName = userData.getSurname(); int prefixId = 0; int suffixId = 0; boolean male = userData.isMale(); int birthdayMonth = Integer.parseInt(userData.getBirthDate().getMonth()); int birthdayDay = Integer.parseInt(userData.getBirthDate().getDay()); int birthdayYear = Integer.parseInt(userData.getBirthDate().getYear()); String jobTitle = userData.getTitle(); long[] groupIds = null; long[] organizationIds = null; long[] roleIds = null; long[] userGroupIds = null; boolean sendEmail = false; ServiceContext serviceContext = ServiceContextFactory.getInstance(request); User user = UserLocalServiceUtil.addUser(creatorUserId, companyId, autoPassword, password1, password2, autoScreenName, screenName, emailAddress, facebookId, openId, locale, firstName, middleName, lastName, prefixId, suffixId, male, birthdayMonth, birthdayDay, birthdayYear, jobTitle, groupIds, organizationIds, roleIds, userGroupIds, sendEmail, serviceContext); return user; }
In case if you want to add some addresses or phone to newly added user you can use next approach:
private void addAddresses(final UserData userData, final User user) throws SystemException, PortalException { List addressTypes = ListTypeServiceUtil.getListTypes(Contact.class.getName() + ListTypeConstants.ADDRESS); int personalAddressTypeId = 0; // find personal phone type for (ListType addressType : addressTypes) { String addressTypeName = addressType.getName(); if ("personal".equals(addressTypeName)) { personalAddressTypeId = addressType.getListTypeId(); } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(userData.getAddress())) { AddressLocalServiceUtil.addAddress(user.getUserId(), Contact.class.getName(), user.getContactId(), userData.getAddress(), userData.getAdditionalAddress(), "", userData.getPlace(), userData.getZip(), 0, 0, personalAddressTypeId, false, true); } } private void addPhones(final UserData userData, final User user) throws SystemException, PortalException { List phoneTypes = ListTypeServiceUtil.getListTypes(Contact.class.getName() + ListTypeConstants.PHONE); int personalPhoneTypeId = 0; int faxTypeId = 0; // find personal and fax type phones for (ListType phoneType : phoneTypes) { String phoneTypeName = phoneType.getName(); if ("personal".equals(phoneTypeName)) { personalPhoneTypeId = phoneType.getListTypeId(); } if ("personal-fax".equals(phoneTypeName)) { faxTypeId = phoneType.getListTypeId(); } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(userData.getPhoneNumber())) { PhoneLocalServiceUtil.addPhone(user.getUserId(), Contact.class.getName(), user.getContactId(), userData.getPhoneNumber(), "", personalPhoneTypeId, true); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(userData.getFaxNumber())) { PhoneLocalServiceUtil.addPhone(user.getUserId(), Contact.class.getName(), user.getContactId(), userData.getFaxNumber(), "", faxTypeId, false); } }To store additional fileds I used ServiceBuilder who generetes appropriate model and classes to achieve this:
private void storeUserExpando(final UserDTO userDTO, final User user) throws SystemException { // get new id for storing long id = CounterLocalServiceUtil.increment(UserExt.class.getName()); // create new entity UserExt userExt = UserExtLocalServiceUtil.createUserExt(id); // Set liferays user id userExt.setUserId(user.getUserId()); // Set other fields userExt.setOtherField(userDTO.getOtherField()); userExt.setNew(true); UserExtLocalServiceUtil.addUserExt(userExt); }
After that new user will be added to general liferay's table and to UserExt table.
how to change the link of create account on sign in page to my custom user registration portlet. in which files do i have to change?
ReplyDeleteplease help me, it is a immediate requirement for me.
thanks in advance
ReplyDeleteCheck /html/portlet/login/login.jsp and /html/portlet/login/create_account.jsp
Hi, I have created a custom spring MVC portlet with all the new fields I want to collect from the user and save it to a new table in database. But I am not able to add this user to the liferay user table. I tried to use the addUser function(the first code section in this page). I am getting an error for final UserData userdata. I do not know how to solve it. Please help.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of error do you have?